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Why You Need To Choose Active Track: Real-Time Guard Monitoring System

Are you worried about the safety of guards in your organisation? Well, you have reached the right page, as we have brought a splendid device which will help you with the same. Active Track is an excellent safety instrument that allows you to monitor the real-time activities of front-line workers. It is designed specifically for two-way voice communications, GPS tracking, lone worker protection, and proof of presence reporting. You can easily track the guards in real-time using a cloud-based web portal called Active View. Sometimes it becomes essential to locate a guard or lone worker as they are supposed to cover substantial areas. You can not have proper surveillance on such workers 24X7, and if they are not equipped with optimum safety devices, it becomes strenuous to find out if they need any sort of help. How does Active Track Help you out? The active track can help you track the exact location of lone workers/guards via GPS and enables them to alert you in case they need assistanc...

Get Technical Support For Guard Tour Software and Hardware Installation

Are you facing issues with guard tour hardware or software installation? Well, it seems you have landed on the right page, as we will definitely help you out. Guard tour software and hardware installation hold an extensive scope. You can use them to enhance security guards’ reliability, gather on-spot video evidence for justifying an incident, manage different events, protect retail workers from violent incidents, and train newcomers. Our Products We offer a wide range of guard patrol systems, security guards equipment, tracking software, devices, security guard supplies, and security officer equipment supply. Some of our finest guard tour products that will help you in a successful implementation are as follows: Data Readers Data Reader is used with the touch button checkpoints. The button checkpoints can be placed at different locations on the site, and whenever the guards pass by, they must place the receiver on the checkpoint. It will help you assure whether the guards covered diff...

Emerging Applications for Body-Worn Cameras

The ability to record audio and video as evidence that one can review later is a blessing in disguise to many industries. Body-worn cameras (BWCs) do this well. Mixed reactions from the public and users initially sowed a few doubts. While some saw the plethora of benefits it offered, others looked at it as an invasion of privacy. However, practical use during the past few years has underlined the fact that the positives outweigh the benefits.  There are many BWCs in the market, each having a distinct set of specifications and uses. One of the most reliable & versatile among them is the EH-15 body-worn camera. EH-15 Body-Worn Camera by Guard Patrol Products The  EH-15 body-worn camera  has the perfect specifications and features to make it highly useful in multiple applications. Its camera clicks clear 21MP photos as single or multiple shots. It also records videos ranging from 480p to full 1080p (Full HD). All this is stored in its built-in 64GB memory.  Initiall...

How to Achieve High-Quality Security Services?

Safeguarding assets, information, and personnel have been prevalent in society for years. The importance security plays in any organization has risen over the years and has seen technological advancements to match it.  If you are responsible for looking after security or are coordinating patrol runs, you are expected to shell out impeccable security services for organizations to put their faith in you. Read below how you can prove your worth and excellence over your competitors by offering high-quality security services.  Patrol One of the most common ways to ensure any area’s safety is by setting up a patrol. A patrol is tasked with making rounds around the designated area at a specific interval of time to check if nothing wrong is happening. A single person or a group of people can do it (determined by considering the budget and area to secure).  A good patrol unit has the required training and assets to perform its duties perfectly. This includes safety equipment and b...

Guard Tour System - A complete Solution for Patrol Management System

Guard Tour System is an imperative element for any organisation. You can implement it in different departments for diverse uses. Before diving deep into the benefits of this Patrol Management System, let us first understand its concept. What is a Guard Tour System? Guard Tour System uses advanced technology to log the rounds of employees in various situations. It enables the management authorities of enterprises to effectively organise and execute guard tours and patrols in their assets. Most Guard Tour System companies use RFID technology to power their devices. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, a wireless system comprising two major components: tags and readers. The reader consists of antennas that transmit radio waves and receive signals heretofore the RFID tag. There are two types of RFID tags, namely Active and Passive RFID tags. The principal difference between these two tags is Active RFID tags are powered by batteries, whereas Passive RFID tags are powered by the ...

Get The Best Access Control System

Access Control Systems are necessary for any small or large organisation to cease unauthorised access. No one wants the precious data of the enterprise to get stolen, and that’s why entrepreneurs are most likely to invest in an appropriate Access Control System. Let us first discuss the basic meaning and role of the Access Control System for an enterprise. What is Access Control System? Access Control Systems enables automated consent for authorised personnel to enter through a secured portal, typically by using a credential. Such systems are efficient for businesses as it limits the need to hire a security officer to review and validate the authorisation of the person. The best part is that you can manage it conveniently, even from distant places. It offers critical information about who entered and left the organisation along with timings. Benefits of Access Control System It is essential to understand the benefits of having an Access Control System for your organisation to assist yo...

The Five Features of an Outstanding Security Guard Management Software

Having an apt security guard management software becomes essential for any security-providing company. You can not take risks regarding the security of your clients as it will affect your company’s reputation. Gone are the days when companies used to prefer pen and paper to create schedules, fill out the necessary paperwork and manually check their employees’ availability. Think about the time it consumes and the chances of miscommunication. With the advancement in technology, companies aggrandise the use of security guard management software to manage their guards and gather helpful insights that can enhance the productivity of guards. However, choosing the most appropriate security guard management software for your company becomes tough as profuse softwares for this purpose is available today. You need to analyse the use case for installing such software and then look for options that provide exactly what you need. Although, if you are looking for the best software for your security...