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Proof of Presence Devices for Cleaning Operative Monitoring and Activity Reporting

In this changing world, the cleaning regimes within all organizations will need to be strengthened and increased in frequency to reduce the possible spread of infection via contaminated objects within the workplace.

When someone coughs, sneezes, or exhales in an enclosed area they release droplets. These droplets can fall onto nearby surfaces and objects where they will remain infectious for a period.

It is, therefore, essential that you ensure your workplaces are clean and hygienic for employee and visitors, as well as members of the public.

Proof of Presence/Patrol Management Systems have been used for many years by shopping centres, arenas, offices, and facility management companies to monitor that cleaning teams are regularly checking and cleaning all workspace environments and communal areas. This will then help to reduce health issues, avoid slip hazards and provide detailed reports to support risk assessment compliance.

This has mainly been under the auspices of a Health & Safety Policy to ensure they are fulfilling their Duty of Care.

Our Standalone and GSM Real Time Proof of Presence/Patrol Monitoring systems provide detailed electronic reporting that an operative has visited a designated workstation, toilet facilities, washrooms, a specific area, a room, a communal area, a kitchen or even a specific hand sanitizing station.

You simply fix a named checkpoint, where required, and use a portable data collection device to read the checkpoint’s unique serial number with a time and date stamp. An event book containing 10 touch button checkpoints can also be configured with up to 10 pre-defined cleaning processes or object descriptions to indicate what the operative has done.

When this information is collected via our Patrol Management software, an electronic report can be generated identifying each location visited and any action taken. A selection of predefined reports can then be used to analyse the stored data. Reports can be viewed on screen, printed, exported to Excel or saved to PDF and emailed.

All collected information can be searched by various criteria including date and time, location, area and personnel.

A sample Excel report is detailed below:

For more information on our range of proof of presence cleaning operative monitoring/activity reporting solutions or if you would like to discuss your exact requirements in more detail, please do not hesitate to Contact our sales team on 0800 817 4259


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Proof of Presence Devices for Cleaning Operative Monitoring and Activity Reporting

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