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Active Track- One Solution for Real-Time Guard Monitoring System

Making an area secure is something we have been doing since time immemorial. From solely relying on our senses alone to gated compounds with guards, we have come a long way.

Security in the modern-day isn’t as easy as setting up a fence. A good security system of today comprises many cogs working together. A problem with one of them could cause a full security breach.

A guard monitoring system is one such fool-proof system.

What is a Guard Monitoring System?

A guard monitoring system is a combination of personnel, hardware & software that ensures that a specific area is kept safe. It relies on creating multiple checkpoints to facilitate smart dispersal of guards across the area and introducing a way to track what’s done. The system works by opening direct and indirect communication channels between the guards and the person in charge. 

A system like this depends on the expert hardware and software that supports the guards. We offer an ideal solution in this department—Active Track.

Active Track by Guard Patrol Products

Active Track is a real-time guard monitoring system with a list of features that make it ideal for proof of presence reporting. It’s a handheld device with dedicated buttons for sending GPS location, reading checkpoints, requests to call & an emergency button.

You can equip each of your guards with an Active track to read checkpoints and maintain communication throughout their patrols. It acts as a strong pillar upon which you can plan your guard monitoring system. But how do its features help your monitoring system?

  • Communication

    Communication is key when you are securing an area with several guards. They must be able to contact the person in charge easily.

    The Active track has a quad-band GSM/GPRS voice-enabled modem that affixes to the strongest mobile network in the area to enable two-way voice communication. Its network features are limited to avoid misuse. The guards can press the ‘Call me’ button to request a call back from the operator.

  • Tracking

    Keeping track of all the guards on a patrol is a useful feature. Not only does it look after their safety at all times, but also helps you keep track of their active patrol routes.

    This is made possible with the in-built GPS in Active Track. The guards can also ping their location on demand by pressing the GPS button.

  • Reading Checkpoints

    There’s an RFID reader incorporated into the Active Track device. Guards can use this to read the checkpoints placed across the area with ease.

    A simple tap is enough to read and register their presence in the event log.

  • Emergencies

    Guarding any area can turn dangerous quickly. During such situations, enough time isn’t guaranteed to request a callback. This is where the Panic Alarm button comes to the rescue.

    A press of the button sends a request for immediate assistance to the operator. You can also configure it to include the current coordinates of the device to plan a swift response.

  • Software Support

    Hardware alone doesn’t cut it in such complex security systems. That’s why Active Track is backed by Active View, our web-based management portal that helps people in the control room to view & coordinate between all deployed Active track devices.

Active Track is the perfect solution to set up and run a guard monitoring system with no snags.

Impressed by our device? Call us on 0800 817 4249 or contact us to get in touch with our experts.


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