Are the entrances of your offices and homes under control?
If you think those entry registers and deadbolt locks are enough, then unfortunately you need a quick reality check. With inbuilt complex threads, it's high time your home and office security prevention should replace with some high-tech AccessControl Systems.
Yes, no doubt keys had played a long-term protector role to us, but today, we need a system that not only prevents entering someone in but monitors the access to.
So understanding the importance of an access control solution, you need to read a brief insight about it.
Understand the Access Control System?
Access control systems are electronic systems designed to control unauthorised physical access, be it on foot or by any transport mode. By the system, the authority allows when and who can enter the premises a modern business needs an advanced solution now.
These physical access control systems not only restrict access to your workstation, file rooms housing sensitive data, but store the entered data as well. So basically proof of presence is what the access control system assures for your entrances.
AccessControl System Features & Technology-
Increase control and security- Including 3W (Who, When and Which) also helps to know the condition of access.
Who access- In an office system, if you only want to provide access to the employees, not the visitor or other outsiders, a control system can be really helpful. With a home access controller, you can customise it for only home members' entry too.
When access- There could be distinct company rules such as a particular time set for juniors or seniors. In such a way, an access control system is the only solution. And our access control solution serves that efficiency, too.
Which doors they have access-Offices, where certain areas restrict entry such as sites & labs, and allows only technical staff entry, access control is the best.
Variety of access control and systems- The type of access depends on which type of control system you are using.
Biometric- Most advanced one. The access system works on biometric devices such as fingerprint or iris.
PIN & Password- One of the technical ones. The system asks for Pin code or password to access the system.
Card, badge & other identification tags- The most common one. The access control system asks for any set identification tag that could be a card, badge or anything else.
Improve efficiency with integration- Most of the time various access controls from the distinct departments such as HR, security and facility management take time. However, you have an advanced access control system added, so the work becomes so efficient to lead with any mistake.
Buy the system & enjoy the power!
It is not less than a power that you can control all your premises access as per your needs or demands. Likewise, whether it’s your home or office, the system covers its entrances with the security of advanced control features.
If you were also looking for such an advanced access control technology for your premises, this GPP device is for you.
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