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Achieve Better Results With Our Patrol Management Solutions

Patrol Management/Proof of Presence systems  have been used for many years by,  Security personnel providers, Facilities Management companies, Cleaning contractors, Healthcare providers, Education sectors, Construction sites, Retail sectors, Local Government, Hotels, Leisure and Entertainment venues, and Manufacturing facilities  as a simple but effective way to track, store and report all the data you need to monitor their operative’s patrols. Patrol Management/ Proof of Presence systems  being used widely for numerous applications including: Security Patrol Monitoring Fire watch Reporting Keeping Health and Safety Monitoring Equipment maintenance Records Time & Attendance Reporting Cleaning operative and activity recording Incident Reporting General Data Collection Substantiating Work Records As a management tool, it can efficiently supervise and monitor all patrol data into one easy-to-access place. It’s powerful in-built report generator can then be used to a...

What is Workforce Management System?

A workforce management system is what you need when you want to make the functioning of your business coherent and less time-intensive. To understand it in layman terms, we can say that it is used to assign the right task to the right person at the right time. It is essentially used to make it more professional as well as proficient. It offers a procedure prepared to plan, schedule, communicate and manage business targets. It helps in enhancing the productivity of the workers, employees and the entire workforce. It improves the potential business routines by keeping a track record of each activity being performed by the working members of an organization. The  Workforce management system  becomes mandatory to use when you think of expanding your team and working staff. The anticipation of business plans, supplying information and accomplishment of operations becomes smooth with the help of this system. It is a software program installed on your computer and mobiles that assist...

Why You Need Body Worn CCTV Camera Systems?

Body Worn CCTV Camera Systems have become popular and widespread in recent times. You may wonder whether your organization requires it or whether acquiring such equipment is worth the cost. We look at reasons why you need Body  Worn CCTV Camera  Systems? 1. Drop in false cases as potential accusers fear being exposed As per independent studies the employment of body worn cameras brings down incidents as well as risks by about 50%. Moreover, there is marked improvement in employee and public behaviour accompanied by a drop in complaints as well as false accusation s. 2. Changes negative behaviour to positive or co-operative Body worn cameras can alter a person’s behaviour when he/she is aware that he/she is being recorded into a more positive reaction. The video footage can help departments make a decision on what training needs to be imparted by examining how employees work. The presence of cameras has led to increasing adoption of these systems by police staff to help prevent...

Protect Your Lone Workers with Our Active Track Device

  Imagine being all alone and you suddenly feel dizzy. Scary right? While this is a situation that is less likely to happen in the close confinement of an office, it is a genuine danger for lone workers. These are people whose job forces them to be alone, for example- night shift guards, workers on isolated floors, machinery maintenance workers, etc. As an employer, it is your responsibility to look after your lone worker’s safety . How To Protect Lone Workers? New rules have been introduced over the years to reduce the number of lone worker accidents. However, the number of instances is still high so you can improve on them with these pointers. Regular Check-ins Lone workers usually work in a scenario where they cannot be seen or heard easily. Letting them stay alone from the time of punch in to punch out isn’t ideal. A great idea is to check in on them occasionally. In order to not interfere with their work, make a check-in schedule after a set period. With this, you can immediat...

Avoid Risk of Fire in Workplace With our Fire Monitoring System

Fire at the workplace is not unheard of and is a problem that needs immediate attention. A fire outbreak causes damage to property, people and can even lead to the loss of lives. It also acts as a catalyst for related accidents like explosions. Acknowledging the dangers, workplaces introduced fire safety equipment as a precautionary measure. There are fire exits, fire extinguishers, and even drills performed by the staff to get them ready for a fire outbreak. But is this enough? Need for Fire Monitoring System The core problem with fire safety is that we often view it as a one-time solution. Installing precautions won’t amount to anything if they don’t work as intended. Fire monitoring system motivates businesses to look at this issue continuously and look after the efficiency of the safety measures in place. Let us understand the aspects it helps in a bit more detail. Fire Exits Fire exits are evacuation points used in case of fire. These are strategically placed in workplaces to all...

Top Tips To Protect Your Lone Workers

Lone workers are those employees of your organization who work in isolated locations where access to limited or in most cases, no people is granted. Such staff is usually exposed to more risk such as electricians, or workers at construction sites, etc. A part of their job is to carry out risky jobs so they need to be provided security tools and need constant checks in case of emergencies. ducate Employees on Potential Danger: Every day,  lone people  face countless risks. Those risks are simply a part of their everyday activities, and they need to be aware of them. Companies need to take an academic approach to make sure their lone employees are safe on the job. First, make your employees cognizant of the risks they could face by discussing the possibilities that could arise in extraordinary situations. Subsequently, work on agenda training with employees on the way to react to exceptional types of situations. They should understand the way to address falls and injuries, physi...

Complete Solution of Fire Monitoring System

F ires outbreaks claim thousands of lives every year. It is tough to contain it, so precaution is the best cure for this. The fight against it is difficult, but a decent fire monitoring system can help a lot. What is a Fire Monitoring System? A fire monitoring system looks after routine activities that keep a building/apartment safe from fire hazards. The fire marshal handles several tasks to ensure that there is a low risk of fire and that the people can evacuate fast in the event of a fire. A fire monitoring system helps with this while maintaining a record of each safety visit. Need for Fire Monitoring System Does a fire monitoring system help? This is a question that often lingers and the answer is yes, it does. All buildings have to adhere to a fire code. This means they will have precautionary and safety features like fire exits and fire extinguishers. However, these are often installed and left unattended for a long time. There have been instances where the fire extinguisher did...