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Retain Your Top-Performing Security Guards with These Strategies

Turnover is a major challenge to many industries, especially security. The job profile of its primary employees, security guards, is not ideal for many candidates. It involves long periods of standing, walking, and always staying alert. Besides that, it comes with a constant risk of physical & psychological injury.

All these factors lead to a high turnover rate. Each guard has unique traits & losing key figures from your team could directly affect the quality of service you provide. Today we give you a few cardinal tips on how you can retain your best-performing security guards.

Constant Reviews

To retain your best security guards, you must know who they are. In an ideal world, the performance of all your security guards stays consistent. However, that’s not true.

Conducting monthly, quarterly or yearly reviews (depending on the scope of projects you handle) can give an accurate representation of who is where compared to the others, helping you identify the crème-de-le-crème.


Some might think this point is obvious but a staggering amount of security guards are not paid the money they deserve.

By offering fair compensation, you let them know you understand & respect the risk they take every time they go out for a patrol. Similar ideas in this category include performance-related bonuses & a just salary increment. 

Career Path

Gone are the days when employees would work day in and out not planning on where that job takes them.

A good security guard is alert in all aspects of life, which includes their future. Host a detailed meeting to understand their short & long-term goals to come up with a career path that benefits both parties. Their career growth can also include sponsored training, helping them stay updated with the latest trends and tips in the security industry. 


Everybody loves when they are recognised for a job well done.

You can host an award ceremony during the annual reviews to reward the best-performing guards. The rewards can be as certificates, letters of appreciation, bonuses, paid leaves or even vacations!

The Best Equipment

Last but not the least, an outdated system not only hurts your business but could degrade the morale of the security guards. Having to punch in manually during patrols and maintaining paper records is painstaking for them.

Look no further for the best equipment to partner with your best security guards. 

Our Body-worn Camera, the EH-15, comes with a high-quality camera to record audio & video proof. This device helps safeguard your employees, helping them attain crucial, tamper-free, concrete evidence of anything that goes on during their patrol. 

Our range of data readers including the Minitool Pro Touch Reader and Active Track help guards record their patrolling status & data digitally to a hand-held device with a simple tap.


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