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Showing posts with the label GPS Tracking

Why You Need To Choose Active Track: Real-Time Guard Monitoring System

Are you worried about the safety of guards in your organisation? Well, you have reached the right page, as we have brought a splendid device which will help you with the same. Active Track is an excellent safety instrument that allows you to monitor the real-time activities of front-line workers. It is designed specifically for two-way voice communications, GPS tracking, lone worker protection, and proof of presence reporting. You can easily track the guards in real-time using a cloud-based web portal called Active View. Sometimes it becomes essential to locate a guard or lone worker as they are supposed to cover substantial areas. You can not have proper surveillance on such workers 24X7, and if they are not equipped with optimum safety devices, it becomes strenuous to find out if they need any sort of help. How does Active Track Help you out? The active track can help you track the exact location of lone workers/guards via GPS and enables them to alert you in case they need assistanc

Get Technical Support For Guard Tour Software and Hardware Installation

Are you facing issues with guard tour hardware or software installation? Well, it seems you have landed on the right page, as we will definitely help you out. Guard tour software and hardware installation hold an extensive scope. You can use them to enhance security guards’ reliability, gather on-spot video evidence for justifying an incident, manage different events, protect retail workers from violent incidents, and train newcomers. Our Products We offer a wide range of guard patrol systems, security guards equipment, tracking software, devices, security guard supplies, and security officer equipment supply. Some of our finest guard tour products that will help you in a successful implementation are as follows: Data Readers Data Reader is used with the touch button checkpoints. The button checkpoints can be placed at different locations on the site, and whenever the guards pass by, they must place the receiver on the checkpoint. It will help you assure whether the guards covered diff

How to Achieve High-Quality Security Services?

Safeguarding assets, information, and personnel have been prevalent in society for years. The importance security plays in any organization has risen over the years and has seen technological advancements to match it.  If you are responsible for looking after security or are coordinating patrol runs, you are expected to shell out impeccable security services for organizations to put their faith in you. Read below how you can prove your worth and excellence over your competitors by offering high-quality security services.  Patrol One of the most common ways to ensure any area’s safety is by setting up a patrol. A patrol is tasked with making rounds around the designated area at a specific interval of time to check if nothing wrong is happening. A single person or a group of people can do it (determined by considering the budget and area to secure).  A good patrol unit has the required training and assets to perform its duties perfectly. This includes safety equipment and body cams for r

Why Choose Active Track For Real Time Monitoring?

If we have to denote any security device as one solution for all, then- “Active Track” fits best, as an example. The device has two-way voice communication features including, GPS tracking, presence reporting, and alarm monitoring system. The device can also act in real-time via its cloud-based web portal. This real-time tracking device can help in providing information about a child, a pet, an adult, a vehicle with its GPS feature. The tracking device lets you know exactly where the person you are tracking is, with just a few clicks of a button. This device is equipped with a tracker, that helps it to deal with situations such as attacks on lone workers, tracking of your child, reporting the present, and senior citizen panic attacks. This tracking device is filled with so many important features, that we are discussing here, with the highlighted points: The highlighted features of  Active Track – Help in locating and supervise, ones in real-time with the availability of GPS, GPRS. The

Protect Your Lone Workers with Our Active Track Device

  Imagine being all alone and you suddenly feel dizzy. Scary right? While this is a situation that is less likely to happen in the close confinement of an office, it is a genuine danger for lone workers. These are people whose job forces them to be alone, for example- night shift guards, workers on isolated floors, machinery maintenance workers, etc. As an employer, it is your responsibility to look after your lone worker’s safety . How To Protect Lone Workers? New rules have been introduced over the years to reduce the number of lone worker accidents. However, the number of instances is still high so you can improve on them with these pointers. Regular Check-ins Lone workers usually work in a scenario where they cannot be seen or heard easily. Letting them stay alone from the time of punch in to punch out isn’t ideal. A great idea is to check in on them occasionally. In order to not interfere with their work, make a check-in schedule after a set period. With this, you can immediately

Top Tips To Protect Your Lone Workers

Lone workers are those employees of your organization who work in isolated locations where access to limited or in most cases, no people is granted. Such staff is usually exposed to more risk such as electricians, or workers at construction sites, etc. A part of their job is to carry out risky jobs so they need to be provided security tools and need constant checks in case of emergencies. ducate Employees on Potential Danger: Every day,  lone people  face countless risks. Those risks are simply a part of their everyday activities, and they need to be aware of them. Companies need to take an academic approach to make sure their lone employees are safe on the job. First, make your employees cognizant of the risks they could face by discussing the possibilities that could arise in extraordinary situations. Subsequently, work on agenda training with employees on the way to react to exceptional types of situations. They should understand the way to address falls and injuries, physical assau

Why do you need the Best security system?

  Security is the utmost need of every home, office, public building or premises, where living or non-living liabilities are present. At present, a minor fault in security could be responsible for lives, property or financial loss. In such conditions, you only want to rely on a trustable security system that can rescue or help you avoid the situations.   Security harm leads to several types of hazardous situations such as thieves, robbery, information leak, sudden health issues, attacks, fire.   So the question arrives, is such a system present in the market that allows you to avoid these all?   In this blog, we will help you find the answer. Let’s get started with exploring security harms first. Security conditions that demand system-                1.     Security patrolling- Whether homes, offices or buildings, patrolling builds sustainable security. Patrolling leads with the handling of multiple situations & circumstances in such a powerful security system adds a sa