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Showing posts from January, 2022

Why You Need Body Worn CCTV Camera Systems?

Body Worn CCTV Camera Systems have become popular and widespread in recent times. You may wonder whether your organization requires it or whether acquiring such equipment is worth the cost. We look at reasons why you need Body  Worn CCTV Camera  Systems? 1. Drop in false cases as potential accusers fear being exposed As per independent studies the employment of body worn cameras brings down incidents as well as risks by about 50%. Moreover, there is marked improvement in employee and public behaviour accompanied by a drop in complaints as well as false accusation s. 2. Changes negative behaviour to positive or co-operative Body worn cameras can alter a person’s behaviour when he/she is aware that he/she is being recorded into a more positive reaction. The video footage can help departments make a decision on what training needs to be imparted by examining how employees work. The presence of cameras has led to increasing adoption of these systems by police staff to help prevent...

Protect Your Lone Workers with Our Active Track Device

  Imagine being all alone and you suddenly feel dizzy. Scary right? While this is a situation that is less likely to happen in the close confinement of an office, it is a genuine danger for lone workers. These are people whose job forces them to be alone, for example- night shift guards, workers on isolated floors, machinery maintenance workers, etc. As an employer, it is your responsibility to look after your lone worker’s safety . How To Protect Lone Workers? New rules have been introduced over the years to reduce the number of lone worker accidents. However, the number of instances is still high so you can improve on them with these pointers. Regular Check-ins Lone workers usually work in a scenario where they cannot be seen or heard easily. Letting them stay alone from the time of punch in to punch out isn’t ideal. A great idea is to check in on them occasionally. In order to not interfere with their work, make a check-in schedule after a set period. With this, you can immediat...